You keep the light shining!

SunshinePPS needs you to keep the light shining on Portland's public schools.

SunshinePPS is a public service operated by the Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy (CTAP), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. We rely on contributions from the public (that's you!) to keep the lights on and the servers online. Scroll down and make your contribution today.

Does your employer match contributions? Get your contribution matched!
CTAP should already be listed in any matching service/database your employer uses; if not, please let us know.

Magnify your magnanimity with matching!

Donate Online

We will happily accept donations online via credit/debit cards. Click on a button to make a one-time contribution.

Online donations are processed through Stripe. Your card information will only ever be seen by Stripe's servers.

Donate by Check

We will also happily accept an old-fashioned paper check made out to and mailed to:

Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy
P.O. Box 13482
Portland, OR 97213

Please include a return address (postal or email) so that we can send you your tax receipt!

Donate by ???

Cash contributions are the most straightforward way to provide financial support, but if you have something else in mind, please let us know!

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SunshinePPS is operated by the Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Oregon public benefit corporation (EIN: 85-3210913).

Copyright © 2024 Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy, unless otherwise noted