A break in the clouds is on its way....

SunshinePPS is an effort to create a community-driven, policy-oriented website to serve the families and community members of the public schools of Portland, Oregon. Its initial focus is on Portland Public Schools (PPS), the largest school district in Oregon, but the project will eventually cover all of Portland's public schools. SunshinePPS is a service of the Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy, a non-profit organization dedicated to transparency in governance and public policy.

SunshinePPS comprises two interconnected services, :Wiki and :Talk. SunshinePPS:Wiki is a place to collect the community's institutional knowledge — the documents, analyses, wisdom, and histories that are now scattered in fragments around the community — into a central location so that it can be more easily discovered, more broadly disseminated, and less likely forgotten. SunshinePPS:Talk is a central meeting place for discussing policy issues throughout the district. Until now, such discussions have been siloed within a multitude of online and offline forums that are specific to individual schools or neighborhoods or programs.

SunshinePPS has graduated to the beta-testing phase! The site is now open to the public, and anyone can anonymously browse SunshinePPS:Wiki.

Editing the wiki, or accessing the discussion forum at SunshinePPS:Talk, requires logging in. To sign up for an account, you will need an invitation from a member/volunteer.

If you would like an invitation and you don't know who to ask, feel free to send email to iwantsunshine@centertap.org.

If any of these describe you, we would love to hear from you:

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SunshinePPS is operated by the Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Oregon public benefit corporation (EIN: 85-3210913).

Copyright © 2024 Center for Transparent Analysis and Policy, unless otherwise noted